Wicked Grateful.

Every day I am learning more and more about myself.

As that happens, I have begun to realize the abundance of positive energy surrounding me.

Quite often, we as humans tend to allow our emotions to get the best of us.

When this happens, if we are feeling hurt or sad or any other negative emotion, it can be easy to lose sight of all of the good that is around us.

Lately I have been noticing that the more I pay attention to the good, and the more I show gratitude for each piece of my life and each step on my journey, the more I am surrounded by positive experiences.

As I acknowledge these things I am grateful for, I watch them continue to be true.

Today, 11/25/21— I will list 25 Things I am Grateful for:

  1. My overall health (as well as the health of my family & friends).

  2. My children (both my human son, Salvatore & my dog, Lupo).

  3. My body and the ability I have to move freely.

  4. My home— I have a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in.

  5. My family & friends who support me and help me take on this crazy thing we call life.

  6. My parents who continue to teach me independence without allowing me to fall.

  7. My sisters who challenge me daily to be the best version of myself.

  8. My voice— It allows me to speak my truth and tell my story and also acts as a tool to help aid others’ healing.

  9. My car, gifted to me by an incredible friend who helped me when I felt like I was going to be stuck forever.

  10. My business, which started as a dream and is now thriving.

  11. The space I host my business out of (A Body Therapy)— An opportunity given to me by one of my best friends to help me get my business rolling, which as I mentioned, is now successfully going strong.

  12. The ability to connect with other humans from all over the world through technology.

  13. My creativity and ability to create— To think it is one thing, but to do it is a whole other story and I truly love watching my ideas come to life.

  14. Books!!! I love to be able to escape away into someone else’s story but I also love the abundance of knowledge that fills the pages of many books.

  15. My experiences— the good and the not so good. Each is a lesson that helps me learn as I move forward on my journey.

  16. The food that fills my fridge allowing me to fill my and my babies bellies.

  17. My ability to teach and learn. There is an endless abundance of knowledge in this world and it sets my soul on fire to not only be able to share what I know with the world, but to be able to learn each and every day as well.

  18. My education which varies between traditional university and many other courses/trainings in a variety of different subjects whether it be wellness, business, media/communication, & more.

  19. Music— the ability to listen, create, and express myself with songs and sounds.

  20. Nature— to be able to walk outside barefoot and connect with the earth, to be able to hike deep into the woods and up a mountain, to be able to feel the sun beat on my face and nourish me with vitamin D and happiness.

  21. My yoga practice— The ability to breathe & flow freely whether it be on my own, leading a group, or as a student.

  22. My role as a Reiki Energy Practitioner— the ability to connect with, harness, & conduct energy to help aid myself and others on our healing journeys.

  23. My mentors— those who continue to teach & guide me as I continue grow into who I am.

  24. My confidence— when I was younger confidence was never a question for me, over the years I began to lose myself and with that went my confidence— but as I find myself again, my confidence has begun to come back better than ever and it means the world to me that I am able to speak my truth, express myself, and unapologetically be me.

  25. My intuition and connection to my higher self— The ability to trust myself, create the life I desire, and to live intentionally & with purpose.

As my favorite yoga sutra states: satya-pratiṣṭhāyāṃ kriyā-phala-āśrayatvam ||Sutra 2:36||

“When we live & speak our Truth, what we say & do will Manifest”.

Showing gratitude for each and every step on our journey is the key to manifesting the life we want, dream of, and deserve.

What are YOU grateful for?


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