Mindset Mattahs

Life is known for throwing us curveballs.

There will always be times that things don’t feel so great—


But like the saying goes…

“When life gives you lemons…make lemonade!”

But I like my lemon with a twist, so I decided to spin it to something that feels more fitting…

“When life gives you lessons, make lessonade!”

I know it sounds corny but here me out for a second.

Imagine yourself drinking a refreshing glass of lemonade on a hot day.

Think about how it feels when you quench the feeling of thirst that the heat has brought on to you.

Now picture yourself feeling that same relief, but after accepting that you are not your emotions and although you may feel bad about something, you LEARNED and you can now move forward with those lessons.

See where I’m going with this?

When we focus on looking at things with a positive mindset,

and envision our glass of “Lessonade” as full when we feel empty,

we can focus on the good, making it easier to let go of the bad.

So allow yourself to feel bad when you must, that’s natural.

But also allow yourself to feel good about moving forward.

Take your lessons with you as you journey through life, and always remember how good it feels to LEARN,

even when things don’t feel so good— because your mindset can make or break your journey.

©2021 Wicked Smaht Wellness LLC.


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